Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Online Harassment An Issue Of Freedom Of Speech - 991 Words

Online harassment is turning into a larger and larger global issue. It is no longer that of children being too harsh to their peers, or celebrities being attacking for some tid-bit they said off handedly. Though both of these still occur, the scale has broadened to a point where it is felt laws must be enacted to combat this. Like the world around us, the online assault of these people is personal, using images and degrading comments based from gender and race, arbitrary and unchangeable characteristics of people. Some may say online assault is an issue of freedom of speech and how it is abused, others may say it is a criminal issue and should be treated as such with laws and regulation, another may say it is an issue of inequality that we all must combat. But beyond oppression of minorities, in what ways is online harassment gendered? A starting attempt to dissect this is to decipher whether these attacks and percecutions online are a free speech or criminal issue. It’s a criminal act to legitimately threaten someone, this is not disputed, what is disputed is how to determine the difference, as Tom Slater phrases it, â€Å"between a joke, criticism, the posturing of a keyboard wielding shut-in and genuine threats,† (Slater). Slater believes online harassment is a free speech issue, one that cannot be dealt with by with by governing forces, or higher courts. He believes it’s not an issue that can easily be done away with, and is not something that law can interfere with for fearShow MoreRelatedCyber Bullying : Bullying And Bullying1435 Words   |  6 PagesLet’s start off with drawing a fine line where harassment starts. Harassment is defined as, aggressive pressure or intimidation. Harassment starts usually when your contentment towards someone ends. While sitting behind a computer scr een, it is easy to express this and seem powerful or intimidating.. Do you not know what you are doing to others though? 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A common example of trolling would be sending provocative messages via a communications platform for the pure entertainment of the sender, which then has a harmful effect on the recipient. There are different types of trolling; messages sent to harm others for the sender’s gratification are called ‘flame trolls’, and those to entertain others for their gratification have been given the title ‘kudos trolls’Read MoreOnline Harassment Is A Bigger Problem Tha n We All Think1126 Words   |  5 Pagesharassed online on a daily. Online harassment is a bigger problem than we all think. Another word for online harassment is cyberbullying; when a person goes online to humiliate and destroy someone behind the internet. It occurs if someone is trying to get revenge or if a lot of anger is built up, and entertainment. People get harassed through texts, tweets, posts, etc. but it is not right. One reason people have the right to harass others is because of the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speechRead MoreSocial Media Should Be Regulated Essay1450 Words   |  6 PagesSOCIAL MEDIA SHOULD BE REGULATED ABSTRACT As social media becomes a heavy influence in our online presence, certain elements need to be policed, as laws can still be broken. This is an insight into if social media, more specifically social networking sites, can be regulated to avoid recent spates of ‘trolling’ or whether it only serves to strip people of freedom to speech. INTRODUCTION Social media has now become a part of our modern day society and has a huge impact on our lives on

Monday, December 16, 2019

Night Creature Crescent Moon Chapter 10 Free Essays

â€Å"Cassandra, this is ridiculous.† â€Å"Try the powder; then tell me it doesn’t work.† â€Å"Fine. We will write a custom essay sample on Night Creature: Crescent Moon Chapter 10 or any similar topic only for you Order Now † I stuffed the bag into another pocket. â€Å"Thanks.† â€Å"That’s what I’m here for.† â€Å"I’ll – uh – be staying at the Ruelle place from now on.† She lifted her brows. â€Å"How did you manage that?† â€Å"My boss.† I shrugged. â€Å"You know where I can get some camping equipment?† There were a few things I didn’t have – like mosquito netting. It had been a while since I’d gone anywhere this tropical. Cassandra gave me an address. I wrote out my cell phone number. â€Å"In case you need me.† Although what she’d need me for, I had no idea. Still she smiled as if I’d just given her a gift beyond rubies and walked me to the door. â€Å"You aren’t going to be there alone?† she asked. â€Å"Probably not,† I muttered, and headed for the hotel. I checked out, got directions to the address Cassandra had given me, charged what I needed, and drove to the mansion. On the porch sat my camping equipment I don’t know how Frank had gotten the stuff here that fast, and I didn’t care. He was the greatest. As soon as I’d unloaded, a sudden compulsion to do something proactive made me head into the swamp. If I was going to take a look around, I wanted to do it in the daytime. I found the location of last night’s â€Å"incident† without too much trouble. Yellow crime scene tape stands out pretty well amid the swaying grass and cypress trees. I resisted the urge to tear it down. Behavior like that could earn me a few days in a cell. I spent far too long in the swamp. The place was both wild and tranquil, steamy with heat, yet filled with cool water. I saw birds I’d never seen before, plants, trees, flowers, fish. I was captivated, entranced, mesmerized, which was the only reason I didn’t notice the sun falling down. I discovered a field of fire irises and used the pocketknife I’d just purchased to saw through a few stalks. As I gathered them into my arms, something caught my eye. Thinking I’d see the tip of a tail once again disappearing into the swamp, I gaped at the shape of a man in the shad-ows of a cypress tree. I knew that silhouette – the broad shoulders, the slim waist, the tousled hair. â€Å"Adam?† I blinked and he was gone. Which was impossible. Nobody could move that fast I tightened my fingers on the knife, then hurried to the tree and walked around the huge trunk. There was nothing, no one, yet still I felt†¦ something, and it wasn’t friendly. I stared upward, cringing at the idea of a man dropping from the tree and landing on me. Ail I saw was branches and moss; nevertheless, I cursed. Dusk hovered on the horizon. With one last wary glance at the swamp, I folded the knife and put it in my pocket, then clasped the irises close to my chest and headed for home at a near run. Along with the thunder of my own frantic feet – now encased in unfashionable but practical hiking boots – I could have sworn I heard footsteps behind me. I was officially paranoid. As I burst out of the foliage and into the yard, the house seemed to stare back at me with a smirk. Not only was I paranoid but a little crazy also. I ran inside and slammed the door, locking it behind me. No wonder the house seemed to be laughing. What good would a locked door do me when all the windows were broken? Why on earth was I out here without a gun? From what I’d gathered on the Internet, it wasn’t hard to buy one. No waiting period, no registration, no background check. God, I loved the South. First chance I had, ; I was using some of Frank’s money on a pistol. A thud from the second floor had my heart racing as fast as my feet had. I should have stayed in the city, but then I’d never find out anything. With a sense of deja vu, I turned toward the steps. Adam Ruelle stood at the bottom, holding the lantern I’d bought, wearing the usual frayed khakis. This time a white tank top covered his chest, the lack of sleeves only emphasizing the ropy muscles of his arms. Confused, I glanced out the window, toward the swamp, where I could have sworn I’d seen him not more than fifteen minutes ago. â€Å"What are you doing here?† â€Å"I could ask you de same thing.† He set the lantern next to my backpack, sleeping bag, and portable stove. â€Å"This is my house.† â€Å"Not while I’m renting the place.† He frowned. â€Å"You rented it?† â€Å"My employer did. I need to be close to the area where the – â€Å"I broke off. He didn’t seem to notice, staring at the flowers I clutched to my chest. â€Å"You shouldn’t have brought those.† I lowered my arms, stared at the crushed blooms. â€Å"Why?† â€Å"They attract – † He yanked them out of my hands. â€Å"Animals.† Before I could say anything, do anything, he opened the front door, walked to the dock, and tossed the fire irises as far away as he could before striding back inside. â€Å"You’re kidding,† I murmured. â€Å"I don’t kid.† I wasn’t surprised. The man hadn’t cracked a smile since I’d met him. â€Å"Someone left one on my bed at the hotel.† Had that someone been him? If so, why leave the flower then and take them away from me now? I was so confused. Adam appeared deep in thought, more worried about the fire iris on my bed than I had been. Which couldn’t be good. â€Å"I was told those flowers were bad luck,† I said. â€Å"I figured someone didn’t much care for me.† His eyes flicked to mine, the bright blue a beacon in the hazy light from the lantern. â€Å"Who you think it was?† â€Å"No idea I’d just gotten into town at the time. How could I have pissed off anyone that fast?† â€Å"It’s a gift,† he muttered. â€Å"Thanks.† I plucked a stray red petal off my shirt and rubbed it between my thumb and forefinger. A spicy aroma arose, like cinnamon atop a bonfire. I could understand why an animal might be attracted to them. I was. â€Å"At least I’m not nuts,† I murmured. â€Å"No?† I narrowed my gaze. â€Å"I could have sworn someone was following me just now. But maybe it was†¦ something.† He scowled. â€Å"What did you see?† â€Å"Well, I thought I saw you, but that must have been a trick of the light You were here. Right?† â€Å"Right,† he agreed, though he didn’t sound convinced. Which was as bizarre as my seeing him in the first place. Didn’t he know where he’d been? â€Å"The police think you’re dead.† â€Å"They aren’t the only ones.† â€Å"You like being a ghost?† A long moment passed, the silence broken only by a faint splash from the swamp. He went to the window and ‘ his whisper came out of the darkness. â€Å"I don’t mind.† He seemed so sad, so alone. I’d been there, hell, I still was, and while sometimes I liked it, more and more lately I didn’t. I couldn’t help myself. I inched in close and touched his arm. â€Å"You seem real enough to me.† He stiffened and I yanked my hand away, but he caught it in a swift, catlike movement as he turned. I didn’t have time to think, let alone escape, even if I’d wanted to. He wrapped his long, strong arm around my back and kissed me. I was so shocked, I let him. Or maybe I let him because the man kissed as if he did little else but. Tongue, lips, teeth, he devoured. Nothing gentle in this kiss, all wet heat and lust. He twined his fingers in my hair; I dug mine into his shoulders and held on. He tasted of mint, as if he’d just brushed his teeth. I ran my tongue along the straight, white expanse and he moaned, then nipped my lip. A shudder ran through me. His kiss was as rough as his hands, and I relished it I didn’t know why. Simon had been gentle in all things, especially lovemaking. Maybe that was why. He wasn’t Simon, and this wasn’t love. I didn’t want it to be. I’d had my shot. One man, one woman, forever. I believed that. A woman like me didn’t get two soul mates. Did anyone? Since Simon was dead, I was doomed to be alone. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t have this. I ran my palms over his arms, let my thumbs trace his collarbone, tangled my fingers in his hair. His skin was so soft over muscles so hard. I wanted to trace every inch of him. I was overcome with a sudden urge to drop to my knees and score the ripples of his abdomen with my teeth. I’d never seen a man put together so well, not that I’d seen all that many. His erection brushed my stomach; my gasp was captured by his mouth as his hand dipped inside my shirt, slid under my bra, his palm cupping my breast, testing the weight, thumb teasing one nipple even as his lower body skimmed softly against mine. He kept kissing me; I couldn’t think. I wanted nothing more than to feel his heat, his strength, his life. How could I ever have thought him a ghost? Suddenly he tore away; I nearly fell. He stared at me wide-eyed, his mouth wet and swollen, as he shoved a hand through his tangled hair. I’d tangled it. I wanted to do so again. â€Å"I shouldn’t have†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He made a vague gesture in my direction. I swallowed. I could still taste him. â€Å"Why did you?† He snorted. â€Å"Have you looked in de mirror lately?† â€Å"I don’t – I mean, I’m not – â€Å" â€Å"You are.† â€Å"What?† â€Å"Sexy.† I laughed. â€Å"You must be more deprived than I am.† The corner of his mouth lifted. â€Å"I’m sure that’s true.† No one had ever called me sexy. Simon had loved me, but he’d been more interested in my mind than my body. We’d been colleagues, friends, then lovers. The sex had been good. This had been – Catastrophic? Mind-bending? Life altering? Or just – Wrong. I didn’t know this man. Not really. Everything I’d heard about him should make me wary. Most, if not all, of the bodies had been found on his property; why wasn’t he a suspect? Then again, the police were blaming animals. Unless Adam Ruelle planned to shape-shift beneath the crescent moon, he was innocent. At least of the Honey Island Swamp killings. â€Å"Diana?† I started as Adam brushed my hair from my face. His fingertips grazed my cheek, and I resisted the urge to rub my skin against his and purr. What was the matter with me? â€Å"You should take your things and go back to wherever it is you came from.† That was the second time he’d told me as much. I stared into his bright blue eyes. â€Å"It didn’t feel like you wanted me to go.† â€Å"What I want and what’s best for de both of us are two different things.† â€Å"I don’t understand.† I waited for him to explain. When he didn’t, I let out an exasperated sigh and turned away. He grabbed my hand and yanked me back, catching me when I stumbled, aligning our bodies just right all over again. His jaw tightened. â€Å"What I want is to lie you down on , de ground, right here, or maybe shove you against de wall, right there, and take you until you can’t argue with me anymore† As if he couldn’t help himself, he leaned forward, brushed his lips to the swell of my breast exposed by our acrobatics. â€Å"I want to mark you with my teeth.† He scraped the sensitive skin just under my collarbone. â€Å"Bury myself in you.† He pulled me more tightly against him. I should have been insulted; instead I was interested. â€Å"Over and over and over again. Me, you. You, me.† He punctuated each hoarse whisper with a thrust of his hips. â€Å"I’ll be inside you day and night until you don’t know where you begin and I end.† Leaning over, he nuzzled my cheek, put his mouth to the curve of my neck, and suckled my skin hard enough to leave the mark he’d spoken of. Then he lifted his head and his whisper brushed the moist imprint, making me shiver. â€Å"Are you afraid enough to run now?† Afraid? No. Amused out of my mind? You betcha. He stilled against me – hard, hot, his pulse beating out of time with mine. The intimacy of our position, his words, my feelings for a stranger, should have made me bolt. Instead I lifted my gaze and let him see that I wanted the same thing, too. He cursed and swung away to stare out the window once more. I wasn’t sure what to say. Had the entire interlude been an attempt to make me flee? If so, he was the best actor on the planet I could swear I’d tasted desire, and how could he fake a hard-on? Dumb question. He was a guy. They could get a hard on in a stiff breeze. Or so I’d heard. A man like Adam Ruelle was not only out of my league but also out of my realm of experience, seeing as I’d only known one man intimately in my life. â€Å"You intend to stay?† Adam murmured. â€Å"Damn straight† He couldn’t get rid of me that easily. He took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and faced me. â€Å"You’ll need another guide.† â€Å"I don’t need anything.† Except you, my treacherous body whispered. I ignored it; I’d gotten very good at that over the past few years. Til do it.† For an instant I thought he meant do it, and why wouldn’t I? We had, after all, practically done it standing up. Then I understood he was talking about guiding me into the swamp. â€Å"No.† â€Å"You want to see my land, you go with me. Always. Never alone. You understand, cher?† I understood. There were things out there I didn’t want to meet alone. But did I want to meet them with Adam Ruelle? I wasn’t sure. Still, what choice did I have? As he’d pointed out, this was his land. My boss might have rented the house, but I didn’t recall anything about the swamp. â€Å"Don’t call me cher,† I said between my teeth. His mouth lifted into a ghost of a smile. â€Å"I guess that means yes.† How to cite Night Creature: Crescent Moon Chapter 10, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

There Is A Lot To Say About The Battle Of Gettysburg. Many People Wond Essay Example For Students

There Is A Lot To Say About The Battle Of Gettysburg. Many People Wond Essay er why this battle out of all others during the war was so great. Many questions were asked. Such as, what did they do for supplies? How did they live? What was the typical military strategy? I will also answer many other questions to in this essay. Its really hard to believe the things I saw during the movie. It just makes wonder how stupid the government was to even think about starting a Civil War. Millions and millions of men died in this war. For what? Honor? I certainly think they did not die honorably, but just went out there and got slaughtered. Although many people say that the Union and Confederate armies fought because of the importance of Gettysburg; the thing is that it was just a small town back then. Gettysburg was chosen because it was good ground. The Confederate army was passing through to go further north and invade the Union territory. The Union army was having the same idea about the south. Good ground was high terrain surrounded by trees. The role geography played in the war was that the army who was placed on the good ground would have a better position on the opposing forces. The officers and soldiers had different lifestyles during the war. The generals would be in cabins or log houses with plenty of supplies. The rest of the army had lived in tents with supplies, but not as much as the generals. So basically the higher your rank, the better you r living conditions were. Although living conditions were different, the strategy was similar. Many times the Union army had to play defensively. The development of trench warfare began. If supplies or ammo got too low, sometimes they would charge and attack the Southerners, like Colonel Chamberlain did when he was defending the line. The Confederate army under the command of General Lee would march all the way to the gate and try to capture it. When in combat, both sides had the same kind of artillery. Soldiers used muskets and small handguns and generals on the other hand would ride on horseback with a sword and pistol. Another type of weaponry that was used were cannons. Even though cannons were much more powerful, muskets were easier due to the fact that they were portable and fired rounds quicker. Treatment during the Civil War was very limited. If your ligaments such as an arm or a leg were shot or wounded it would have to amputate it off. That was the only thing that they could do because like I said medical treatment was very limited. If you had gotten shot anywhere else, there was nothing could be done and it would be only a matter of time before you died. What were the South and North fighting for? Many people asked that question. The North was fighting because they were trying to maintain the Union. The South was fighting for state rights. If you look at it they were both fighting for freedom. So both of their motives for fighting the same reason. Gettysburg may have been a small town, but it played a large part in the Civil War. I think what made Gettysburg one the biggest battles of the Civil War was the fact that so many people lost their lives and that was the deciding battle where the North won the war. In my personal I think that the whole Civil War was stupid and there was no reason it should have taken place. It was nothing but a massacre of millions of men. Gettysburg was perfect example of this. Like I said before these men died for honor, but getting massacred doesnt seem honorable to me, just like Gettysburg and the Civil War.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Nokia Company Assumptions Essay Example

Nokia Company Assumptions Essay Embargoes are similar to economic sanctions and are generally considered legal barriers to trade. One of the most comprehensive attempts at an embargo happened during the Napoleonic Wars. In an attempt to cripple the United Kingdom economically, the Continental System which forbade European nations from trading with the UK was created. U. S. Senator Pressler, introduced the Pressler Amendment which imposed an embargo on all economical and military aid to Pakistan for developing nuclear weapons. 33] This whole episode caused very negative publicity in Pakistan towards the USA as many people in Pakistan as well as the Pakistani Armed Forces believed they had risked a great deal in helping the USA give the Soviet Union its own Vietnam in Afghanistan and when the task was done, Pakistan was promptly abandoned. The embargo continued for five years and in 1995, the Brown Amendment authorised a one-time delivery of US military equipment, contracted for prior to October 1990, worth US$368 million. However, the additional 28 F-16 aircraft costing US$658 million and already paid for by Pakistan were not delivered. Unable to purchase American or NATO weaponry, Pakistan tried to develop an indigenous weapons industry, which has yielded some successes such as the development of the Al-Khalid Tank and JF-17 Strike Fighter. Over the past four decades the United States and Western Europe have adopted very different policies towards East-West trade. Western Europe has recognized the linkages between trade and political relations but is reluctant to use trade policy explicitly as a political tool, while the United States has been willing to use trade embargoes for political ends. Leverage refers to the use of economic pressures, such as threats of trade embargoes, for political objectives. The attractiveness of an embargo depends on the relative costs which it imposes on the parties involved. We will write a custom essay sample on Nokia Company Assumptions specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Nokia Company Assumptions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Nokia Company Assumptions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer These costs are positively related to the share of a countrys income derived from the embargoed trade. Conection between trade and politics Linkage and leverage From an official Cuban source, the direct economic damages caused to Cuba by the US embargo since its institution would exceed 70 billion dollars. The damages include: 1) the loss of earnings due to the obstacles to the development of services and exportations (tourism, air transport, sugar, nickel; 2) the losses registered as a result of the geographic reorientation f the commercial flows, (additional costs of freight, stocking and commercialization at the purchasing of the goods†¦); 3) the impact of the limitation imposed on the growth of the national production of goods and services (limited access to technologies, lack of access to spare parts and hence early retirement of equipment, forced restructuring of firms, serious difficulties sustained by the sectors of sugar, electricity, transportation, agriculture†¦); 4) the monetary and financial restrictions (impossibility to renegotiate the external debt, interdiction of access to the dollar, unfavourable impact of the variation of the exchange rates on trade, riskcountry, additional cost of financing due to US opposition to the integration of Cuba into the international financial institutions†¦); 5) the pernicious effects of the incentive to emigration, including illegal emigration (loss of human resources and talents generated by the Cuban educational system†¦); 6) social damages affecting the population (concerning food, health, education, culture, sport†¦). If it affects negatively all the sectors, the embargo directly impedes besides the exportations the driving forces of the Cuban economic recovery, at the top of which are tourism, foreign direct investments (FDI) and currency transfers. Many European subsidiaries of US firms had recently to break off negotiations for the management of hotels, because their lawyers anticipated that the contracts would be sanctioned under the provisions of the Helms-Burton law. In addition, the buy-out by US groups of European cruising societies, which moored their vessels in Cuba, cancelled the projects in 2002-03. The US embargo of Cuba is directed at its communist system and its supporters. That system that is a declared enemy of the US, that is capable of committing physical and moral harm, that does not respect anything or anyone, that is a liar, that is a murder , demonic and deserving of being eliminated. The partial embargo only manages to limit the spread of communism, to change the current system, it is necessary to denounce and confront it. But not taking action and forgetting will only manage to prolong the suffering of the Cuban people. The embargo has been most effective in the last few years due to the end of Russias aid to Cuba. This economical aid provided to Cuba is estimated to be 70 to 120 billion dollars. This aid is larger than that received by all of Latin America. It would also be necessary to include military aid in these numbers, however, it has not been possible to put a dollar amount on this type of aid.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How Much Money Can You Make as a Truck Driver

How Much Money Can You Make as a Truck Driver Truck drivers are currently in high demand. You’ll have to study for and pass your CDL exam. This means a training program. But once you do get licensed, you’ll find there are many lucrative opportunities available to Class A CDL drivers. Here are how much money you can make as a truck driver in different positions.Standard RateIf you don’t choose to specialize, you can expect to make an industry or company standard rate per mile.Specialized Training/OrientationWhen you’ve chosen to specialize in, say, Hazmat driving, you will undergo special training with the carrier that hired you. You’ll be paid a particular rate for the first few weeks of your training. These rates are more likely to be per hour, day, or even week.Solo OTRThe largest percentage of the workforce. Starting drivers will usually make $40-45k in their first year, but this rate depends a bit on the carrier and available bonuses.Team OTRPairs can traverse longer distances faster by swi tching on and off. This can be quite lucrative- with a pair splitting $100-150k per year.TrainerMore suited to the classroom than the open road? Done your drive time and ready to linger in one place? To experienced drivers, training positions can be a great career- making $60-80k per year, on average.Owner-OperatorIf you have sufficient experience working for a carrier, you might be ready to make the big transition into being your own boss and maybe even running your own fleet one day. There’s more stress, to be sure, but you will also earn more per mile by cutting out the middle man.BonusesEvery company is different, but potential extras include signing bonuses when you’re first hired, monthly mileage rewards, fuel-efficiency bonuses, safety pay when your driving record is exemplary, layover pay, bonuses for clean DOT inspections, and referrals of friends as new drivers to your company.  BenefitsWhile they may not be tangible as cold hard cash, benefits can be a luc rative addition to your compensation package. Anything from paid sick time and vacation to life insurance, medical insurance, dental insurance, job security, and 401k retirement plans.The road you take will be your own, but these are a few things to keep in mind (and in your pocket!) on your journey to becoming a CDL truck driver.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The History of the Invention of Blue Jeans and Denim

The History of the Invention of Blue Jeans and Denim In 1853, the California gold rush was in full swing, and everyday items were in short supply. Levi Strauss, a 24-year-old German immigrant, left New York for San Francisco with a small supply of dry goods with the intention of opening a branch of his brothers New York dry goods business. Shortly after his arrival, a prospector wanted to know what Mr. Levi Strauss was selling. When Strauss told him he had a rough canvas to use for tents and wagon covers, the prospector said, You should have brought pants! saying he couldn’t find a pair of pants strong enough to last. Denim Blue Jeans Levi Strauss had the canvas made into waist overalls. Miners liked the pants but complained that they tended to chafe. Levi Strauss substituted a twilled cotton cloth from France called serge de Nimes. The fabric later became known as denim and the pants were nicknamed blue jeans. Levi Strauss Company In 1873, Levi Strauss Company began using the pocket stitch design. Levi Strauss and a Reno Nevada-based Latvian tailor by the name of Jacob Davis co-patented the process of putting rivets in pants for strength. On May 20, 1873, they received U.S.Patent No.139,121. This date is now considered the official birthday of blue jeans. Levi Strauss asked Jacob Davis to come to San Francisco to oversee the first manufacturing facility for waist overalls, as the original jeans were known as. The two-horse brand design was first used in 1886. The red tab attached to the left rear pocket was created in 1936 as a means of identifying Levi’s jeans at a distance. All are registered trademarks that are still in use.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How African-Americans have put an end of segregation, discrimination, Research Paper

How African-Americans have put an end of segregation, discrimination, isolation to attain civil rights and equity - Research Paper Example How African-Americans have put an end of segregation, discrimination, isolation to attain civil rights and equity? African Americans transformed their ways of viewing. They decided to cooperate fully in nation building because they knew that they had a duty to play in their nation for them to be considered patriots. They worked hard in school in order to be employed in large companies by the whites and not to be considered irresponsible people to their nations. These helped to improve their situation, as well as, improved their health standards since many people who had decent jobs were relocated to live in lavished houses. Africans remained loyal to the white land owners despite the intimidation and racial discrimination. African Americans were faced with many incidences of violation and intimidation. With this, they sought ways to object and make their wants voiced out. Black Africans formed and supported organizations that dealt with racial issues such as the NAACP, which refers to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, which was spearheaded by W.E.B Dubois. Initially in America, women were demeaned and had no control over their husbands, they were subjected to household chores and nurturing children. This took place mainly in the 19th century. This barbaric act came to an end when a woman by the name Chelly Dawance came out protesting against this inhuman act on women, and advocating together with the likes of Kate Chopins and Charlote Pekinns Gilman. For example, in the book written by Kate Pekinns that is narrating her marriage to a black man. She speaks of denied freedom of expression in her house. After their successful strike against stereotyping of women to promote equality between husbands and their wives in marriages, balance was achieved because the people realized that both parents had a collective responsibility in the family planning and in building their country (Meyer, 2001 P. 77). Through this equality, women became entrepreneurs and engaged in trade reducing the high number of people leaving in poverty, therefore, reduci ng the high death rates in youth and old age who usually succumb to illnesses such as malnutrition. Abolishment of slavery, segregation and racism For decades, African Americans fought for their rights because all through they had been subjected to cruel treatment by the whites. Men, women and their families were taken from Africa and brutally chained while ferried to America to work on plantations for years. Jim Crow laws that were enacted between 1876 and 1968 that mandated racial segregation undermined the status of blacks. This demonstrated what they were undergoing by deny of access to many things, which were supposed to be shared by people equally irrespective of the race or colour (Thurber, 2009 P. 93). The Jim Crow originated in the nineteenth century minstrel show song. Step by step, these acts came to be implemented, and the people who subjected African Americans

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Strategic Analysis - Motorola Share Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategic Analysis - Motorola Share - Case Study Example The focus upon the customer has enabled the company to reinvent its organizational structure several times successfully over its history. From televisions and consumer electronics to microcomputers cellular phones and pagers, each time the company has been altered fundamentally, enabling Motorola to compete in different industries. In this manner Motorola’s competitive advantage has been sustainable. The company has created an organic organization design which enables the management to maintain the continuous process of innovation. By capitalizing upon this strength, Motorola has been able to develop a wide range of products and services ranging from wireless handsets and smartphones to wireless and wireline broadband solutions to end-to-end enterprise mobility solutions. This diverse product range has enabled the company to build brand reputation and customer loyalty in a wide range of industries. The diverse product range has also led to a sustainable competitive advantage s ince the company can maintain profitability by focusing upon other industries if the demand in one industry is affected. Another strength of the company is its organizational culture. It provides a positive environment for the employees so that they are satisfied in working for the company. This motivates them to strive for continuous improvement in productivity. As a result, Motorola has been able to achieve the highest standards of excellence in the industry. One of the weaknesses facing Motorola is that the management has not coped with complexity well as the organizational structure has evolved. This has had a negative impact upon decision making further affecting the management of its international network of subsidiaries, branches and companies. As a result the company has been facing declining sales. At a time when competition in the industry is high, Motorola needs to create an organizational structure that optimizes international management. However the management has yet t o take any action in this regard. The result is an inefficient organizational structure. Word count: 400. The current strategy of Motorola Given the high competition in the industry, Motorola has to create a sustainable competitive advantage. The current strategy of the company is to meet this long-term objective by capitalizing upon its core competencies. The important core competencies possessed by the company are brand management, supply chain management, mass production system and product development technology (Case study strategic analysis). The company is trying to combine these core competencies in an organizational structure which makes the company an attractive prospect for the stakeholders. Brand management enables the company to develop a strategic focus that makes the company very market and design driven (Motorola, 2006). In supply chain management, the company is able to develop an efficient system for inventory management and production scheduling. The mass productio n system saves costs and time and the product development technology has been built upon a standardized information system. These activities have led to a current strategy that takes into account social and environmental costs. Different stakeholders such as consumers, investors, nongovernmental organizations are demanding sustainable performances from the companies that they are investing in. If the products show poor environmental performance, then the company as a whole is not likely to have a

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Administrator Challenge Paper Essay Example for Free

Administrator Challenge Paper Essay My experience in corrections is limited to only 4 years. I feel that in my time there, I learned a lot about what the custody part of corrections job consists of, not necessarily what the parole portion or the prison administration does. As a first line supervisor within the correctional system, the staff was held to somewhat of the same standards as I did young airmen in the military. They were expected to be at work on time, read their post orders daily, and maintain control of the dormitory or segregation unit in which they worked. They were given the opportunity to make decisions on their own and only to keep me informed of what they were doing. Most of the decision making came from the Warden and his staff. We had a Correctional Major and Captains as intermediate level supervisor who took the brunt of the complaints between custody and administration. There were policies and directives being disseminated constantly within the prison. At time it felt like the saying â€Å"going blind with paperwork†, having to read everything being passed down. Some of the policies had justification and some seemed to be just frivolous fodder to give administration something to do. See more: Recruitment and selection process essay Another issue which was the cause of much contention within the custody ranks was the adherence to the rules or policies. One of the main culprits of many custody staff being fired or quitting was the use of tobacco within the facilities. The facility is a â€Å"tobacco free† facility. That means no tobacco for any offenders or staff members. Tobacco is an addictive drug and there were many staff members who snuck cigarettes and smokeless tobacco into the facility because of their need to have it, instead of waiting until their shift was over. This in-turn was also the cause of offenders running illegal contraband within the confines of the facility. Staff members would smuggle tobacco by the pouches into the facility as staff was rarely shaken down. This made it ideal for dishonest staff to make some extra money bringing in contraband to offenders. Once the offender had the staff member on the hook for smuggling, it was just a matter of time before the staff was caught and fi red for it. Tobacco often times was more expensive than drugs like marijuana, prescription medication, or cocaine. I feel that another of the main issues, at least within the facility I worked at, was the discord between custody and non-custody staff. Custody was in charge of all the offenders within the facilities, while non-custody had interactions with offenders, their main job was to teach in most cases. Many were college or high school teachers, facility supervisors over the industrial areas, and nursing staff or administration. These non-staff positions often tried to tell custody staff how to do their jobs. This often caused contention between all parties and when brought to the custody supervisor, was corrected after having spoken with the non-custody supervisor. This course has opened my eyes to the administration side of Criminal Justice. Prior to this course, I had no idea about how budgeting or the financial aspect of Criminal Justice actually worked. This topic is one which I am glad to have studied. I may not get to the administrative level of whatever Criminal Justice profession I choose, but having some knowledge of how it works will definitely benefit me in the long run. I would encourage anyone taking Criminal Justice or pursuing a career in Criminal Justice to take this course as the material if very relevant to the job, especially those seeking positions as administration. Also, mid-level supervisors should take it as it gives them insight into what is expected of the administration when it comes to policy, budgets and financial planning for the Criminal Justice System. I wish I had taken this course just a bit later in my college studies as I had quite a few irons in the fire during this courses duration. Trying to juggle college, a fulltime job, family life, and other outside entities were definitely distractors during this course. I did not get to dedicate the time fully to the course that if deserved and my grade refle cts that.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Coral Bleaching Essay -- Geology

Coral Bleaching Abstract Coral reefs have been called the rainforests of the ocean and are one of the most diverse and important ecosystems on the planet. This paper will explore how global warming has effected these fragile ecosystems. It will focus on the impact of increasing ocean temperatures on coral reefs. Coral Reefs Coral reefs exist globally from 30N to 30S latitude and have existed in some form on Earth for over 200 million years. Over 2500 species of coral have been identified 1000 of which are reef building hard coral. Reefs are actually limestone structures produced by small animals called coral polyps. These polyps contain unicellular plants (algae) called zooxanthellae in their tissue. They have a symbiotic relationship which means, "living together." During the day the zooxanthellae rise to the surface of the animal and produce food by photosynthesis. At night the polyp extends a stinging, multitenticled mouth that feeds on any planktonic animals. They both benefit from the waste products of the other. They also work together to capture calcium carbonate from seawater and convert it into the hard limestone structures in which they live. Because corals survive due to this fragile relationship, they are very sensitive and tolerate relatively narrow ranges of water temperature, salinity and transparency. Coral reefs are estimated to cover less than .2% of the ocean floor but contain approximately 25% of the ocean’s species. They provide protection for shorelines, reducing erosion. They also give food, shelter and protection to almost one million marine species and act as a nursery for growing fish. Humans benefit directly from coral reefs. They supply us with food, jobs (through fishing and tourism) a... ...astrous to lose the existing coral reefs of the world. References 1. William Fitt. Bleaching of Symbiotic Algae Available http://zircon.geology.union.edu/Carb/fitt 2. Reef Relief. Reef Relief Available http://www.blacktop.com/coralforest/index.html 3. Knauer Communication. Global Warming is a Problem Available http://www.enviroweb.org/edf/isproblem/isproblem_frameset.html 4. Michael Van Woert. ORAD Available 5. Indiana University. Reef Resource Page Available http://www.indiana.edu/~reefpage/. 6. Ingrid Guch. NOAA Available http://www.ara.polytechnique.fr/surface.html 7. PCRF. Planetary Coral Reef Foundation Available http://www.pcrf.org/ 8. The Coral Reef Alliance. Get the Facts on Coral Reefs Available http://www.coral.org/Facts.html

Monday, November 11, 2019

Fremount High School Jonathan Kozol Essay

Jonathan Kozol is a well-known advocate for social injustice and public education. He is an educator, activist, and writer. He advocates through his writing. One of his articles was about a High school in a well-recognized city across the United States of America. The 8 page article referring to Fremont High School, Fremont High school is between San Pedro Street and Avalon Boulevard in South central Los Angeles. In this city, Fremont High School is known as a friendly school, with an eight hour schedule. Jonathan Kozol visited Fremont high during the spring of 2003. An eight foot high fence with spikes on the top, are what separate Fremont High from the city. School windows are shielded or boarded from gunfire to keep the students safe. Some classes are taught in portables or storage rooms. Some storage rooms do not even have windows and this is where the students are being taught. Students at Fremont are given thirty minutes for lunch and are all fed together at the same time. Many students don’t even bother to eat, due to the limited time they get and the conditions they are in. Rodents run freely in Fremont high. Hamburger buns have rat bite marks and rat droppings have been found around the school. Fremount High School Jonathan Kozol At Fremont only one or two bathrooms are operational and there are fifteen bathrooms short that are required by the law. Since there only a few restrooms available the lines are tremendously long, students don’t get to use the bathroom at times, and are usually late for class. In most cases the facilities are unclean and lacking basic toiletries. Some parts of the high school lacks proper ventilation system for students such air conditioning; students have been known to turn red and nauseated. Also students who want certain classes such as the advanced placement courses and college courses are not able to get them. The library is almost always closed throughout the year. Conclusively, two thirds of ninth of grade students drop out before receiving a diploma or reaching the twelfth grade. Ironically, Fremont High School is known as the friendly school of South Central Los Angeles. However this high school shouldn’t be even considered to be a functional public facility, let alone be open as a learning establishment. Imagine not having basic toiletries, not having enough time to eat or being taught in small storage closet without ventilation. I can understand and doesn’t surprise my why so many students drop out from Fremont High. It hurts to hear what those students face on a daily basis. While I was reading this article about this terrible school, the words sickened me. It left me feeling shocked and wanting to find out more about this school. So I did, I found out that Fremont high closed at one point for reconstruction a year or two after this article and is open now. Almost everything that had a negative effect such conditions changed as well as some new curricular courses. My conclusion on the article that Jonathan Kozol wrote referring to Fremont High is that this article was needed to help make a positive change in the education Fremont provided. The conditions of the school were improved and they are working on ways to help students stay in school and not drop out. Before the conditions were improved, I could hardly believe that a school being in the U. S could have such terrible conditions and still be open. At the time of this article was written Fremont high was a bad school, not in the sense that the teachers didn’t care for the students or the students missed behaved, but in the sense that government needed to provide more funds to the school to help the school function properly. In time the school closed for reconstruction for a few months, and now students are attending the school right now in adequate learning conditions. When people say Jonathan Kozol is an advocate for public education it’s the truth because without this article much of the public would have not known about the problems occurring in Fremont High. I believe he deserves much more recognition in the things he does to help in prove the learning of others. He is a great example of how one person can make a change for the good of others.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Difference Between Criminal and Civil Cases

Difference Between Criminal and Civil Cases PA101: The Paralegal Professional Unit 8 Dianna Marsh 11/13/2012 In today's society there are rules and regulations in place that determine how citizens are to behave. When these rules are not upheld, a need to resolve or punish the offending parties exist. Whether the offense is criminal or civil, the case is settled in a court of law. Although there are similarities between civil and criminal cases, there are many differences in the way these cases are handled. Both criminal and civil cases starts with filing a complaint.The parties that file the complaint is called the plaintiff. In a civil case the plaintiff can be an individual, corporation or government agency. In a criminal case the plaintiff is always the state or federal government. One of the key differences between civil and criminal cases is the burden of proof. In a civil case the burden of proof depends on a preponderance of evidence. In legal terms, a preponderance of evidenc e means that a party has shown that its version of facts, causes, damages, or fault is  more likely than not  the correct version, as in personal injury and breach of contract suits.This standard is the easiest to meet and applies to all civil cases unless otherwise provided by law. (Preponderance of the Evidence, 2010) In a criminal case the Burden of Proof is the responsibility of the plaintiff. The plaintiff must prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt. For example, in the case of the State v O. J. Simpson. The state of California was unable to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt, that is why OJ was found not guilty of the murders he was accused of. He was, however found guilty of wrongful death in a civil suit filed against him with the same evidence.It is the juries responsibility to review the evidence and reach a verdict in the case. In a criminal case, the jury must return a unanimous vote for conviction. This is determined by whether or not the evidence and testimony presen ted proves guilt beyond reasonable doubt. If unable to do this, a not guilty verdict is reached and the defendant is released. In a civil case only 51% or 9 of 12 jurors votes need to be obtained for a guilty verdict. Once the verdict is reached a sentence or punishment is handed down by the judge. There are differences in this too.In a criminal case the punishment can be as little as a fine or as large as capital punishment, but most normally receives imprisonment. In a civil case punishment is usually monetary. You cannot be sent to prison. There are many other difference, but these are only a few. These systems are in place because they deal with the civil rights of an individual, and the protection of those rights. References: Cheeseman, H. ; Goldman,T. (2010). The paralegal professional  (3rd  ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. www. courts. uslegal. com, Burden of Proof, Preponderance of the Evidence, 2010

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Chicago Referencing †How to Cite a Book

Chicago Referencing – How to Cite a Book Chicago Referencing – How to Cite a Book The Chicago Manual of Style actually sets out rules for two separate citation styles: in-text â€Å"author–date† citations and a footnote/bibliography system. Depending on your outlook, this dual system is either admirably versatile or unhelpfully confusing. Nevertheless, whichever approach you’re using, it’s vital that you know how to cite a book correctly. On our academic blog today, we run through the basics for doing this using both approaches. Author–Date Citations As with many parenthetical referencing systems, Chicago-style author–date citations require you to provide the author’s surname and the date of publication in the main text when referencing a source. A citation of a book by cheeky French philosopher Paul Ricoeur would, therefore, appear as: Interpretation involves the metaphorical and speculative domains of meaning (Ricoeur 1978). If the author is named in the text, only the year is required in the citation. The only other thing you’ll need to provide in in-text citations are relevant page numbers when quoting a source: Ricoeur (1978, 17) states that â€Å"metaphor is defined in terms of movement.† All cited texts should then be added to a reference list at the end of your document, with sources listed alphabetically by author surname and full publication details provided. For a book, this includes: Author Surname, First Name. Year of Publication. Title. City of Publication: Publisher. In Ricoeur’s case, this translates to: Ricoeur, Paul. 1978. The Rule of Metaphor. London: Routledge Kegan Paul. Footnotes/Bibliography The other form of Chicago referencing places citations in footnotes, as indicated by superscript numbers in the main text (e.g., 1, 2, 3). The information required for the first citation of a book is: n. Author Name, Title (City of Publication: Publisher, Year), Page Number(s). Returning to our philosopher friend, the first footnote for The Rule of Metaphor would therefore appear as: 1. Paul Ricoeur, The Rule of Metaphor (London: Routledge Kegan Paul, 1978), 24. Subsequent citations of the same text can be shorted to just author surname, a shortened version of the book title and the relevant page number (or â€Å"pinpoint reference,† as it is otherwise known): 2. Ricoeur, Rule of Metaphor, 112. As well as footnotes, this version of Chicago referencing lists all cited texts in a bibliography at the end of the document. The information required is similar to the first footnote, but with slightly different punctuation and the author name reversed so that sources can be listed alphabetically by surname: Ricoeur, Paul. The Rule of Metaphor. London: Routledge Kegan Paul, 1978. A Final Thought Since these two versions of Chicago referencing are very different, the single most important thing you can do before you begin writing is check which version is specified by your style guide. Also, it’s worth mentioning that Paul Ricoeur would probably have rejected being described as â€Å"cheeky.† Nevertheless, it’s how we prefer to think of him.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Separate Peace Essay Example for Free (#9)

A Separate Peace Essay Essay Topic: Literature , A Separate Peace Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA Haven't found the essay you want? Get your custom sample essay for only $13.90/page ? In the book, A Separate Peace, the author, John Knowles, writes to us a novel about war, but happens to focus more on the war within the human heart. This novel tells a story of two boys’ co-dependency during World War Two, and explores the difficulties with understanding the self during adolescence. Identity is complicated enough as the narrator, Gene Forrester, enters adulthood in a time of war, but a difficult friendship with a fellow student and rival leads to a further confusion of identity. Early in the book, the boys’ relationship is charged by Gene’s jealousy and hate of Phineas’ leadership. However, after Phineas falls from the tree, Gene ejects his darker feelings from himself and turns their relationship in a new direction where co-dependency, instead of envy, drives it. The central relationship between Gene and Finny, involves a troublesome search to authorize identity outside of co-dependency. Gene Forrester is a boy with many conflicts that he must face throughout his high school year. The most significant of these troubles is, without a doubt, Gene’s struggle with his own identity. At first Gene is displeased with his personality, or lack thereof. He envies his best friend, Phineas’ (Finny’s), wit, charm, and leadership. Throughout the book, Gene repeatedly finds himself acting like his friend, a transformation occurring that Gene is unaware of. There are a number of significant transformations within this story. Phineas is transformed from an active athlete into a cripple after his accident and then sets out to transform Gene in his place. This change is the beginning process by which Gene’s identity begins to blur into Finny’s, a transformation symbolized by Gene’s putting on Finny’s clothes one evening soon after the accident. â€Å"I washed the traces off me and then put on a pair of chocolate brown slacks, a pair in which Phineas had been particularly critical of when he wasn’t wearing them, and a blue flannel shirt† (78). This is the first time in the book that we notice just how much Gene is codependent on Phineas, even when he is gone. From this point on, Gene and Phineas come to depend on each other for psychological support. Gene playing sports because Phineas cannot, â€Å"Listen, pal, if I can’t play sports, you’re going to play them for me†¦Ã¢â‚¬  this allows Finny to train Gene to be the athlete that Finny himself cannot be. This training seems to be a path for Phineas simply to live vicariously through Gene. But Gene actively welcomes his attempt, for just as Finny acquires inner strength through Gene, Gene also finds happiness in losing the person he dislikes, himself, into the person he truly likes, Phineas. †¦and I lost part of myself to him then, and a soaring sense of freedom revealed that this must have been my purpose from the first: to become part of Phineas. † (77) In this way, the boys’ relationship becomes a perfect illustration of co-dependency, with each feeling off of and becoming fulfilled by, the other. This newfound co-dependency begins the evolution of the boys’ individual identities. Finny knows himself throughout the book, and is comfortable in his own skin, at least at first. After his fall, he becomes more withdrawn and tends to hide his true feelings. He seems to lose himself as the book progresses. The innocence and general good nature that defined him early on is lost in later chapters, as he continually deludes himself as to Gene’s true intentions. Gene, on the other hand, hides his true identity from Phineas and the others through most of the novel. Yet Gene truly reveals himself at several key points such as pushing Finny from the tree. The boys are living in their own secret illusions that World War Two is a mere conspiracy created by old men and continuing to believe that Gene, Finny through him, will go to the Olympics and that the world can’t change their dreams. The boys are refusing to develop their own goals and responsibilities without each other. Not even Finny’s death, though it separates them physically, can truly disentangle Gene’s identity from Phineas’. Gene feels as though Finny’s funeral is his own. In a way, the funeral is indeed Gene’s own. So much of Gene is intermixed with Phineas that it is difficult to imagine one boy existing without the other. The entire novel becomes Gene’s recollection of building his own identity, culminating in his return to Devon years later, where he is finally able to come to terms with what he’s done. During the time I was with him, Phineas created an atmosphere in which I continued now to live, a way of sizing up the world with erratic and entirely personal reservations, letting it’s rocklike facts sift through and be accepted only a little at a time, only as much as he could assimilate without a sense of chaos and loss† (194). It is perhaps only his understanding that Phineas alone has no enemy that allows the older Gene to reestablish a separate identity. One that is inferior to Phineas’. A Separate Peace. (2017, Jan 26).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Journal 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Journal 1 - Essay Example Ideally, some Americans like the American Indians dispute this idea by tracing their origin to America. However, William Least Heat-Moon justifies his idea by quoting historic facts that trace the origin of all Native American tribes (Heat-Moon 71-77). The idea that travelling might offer solutions to various problems is equally intriguing. It is amazing how travelling especially by road can help in solving psychological problems. The fact that we cannot know the exact point where we can find an answer to a specific problem, William Least Heat-Moon encourages us to keep travelling. In the essay, The Classic American Road Trip, William Least Heat-Moon proves how travelling is fascinating and refreshing to the human mind (Heat-Moon 365-371). It is amazing that he seeks to prove that travelling can justify the course of life by showing how a traveler explores landscapes and people’s lives (Heat-Moon 367-371). Moreover, the author presents the travel writing theory by showing comprehension of the intentions of travelling. Through travel writing, William Least Heat-Moon expresses his soul and experiences. Indeed, he is one of the popular travel writers in