Monday, February 17, 2020

Brooklyn Bridge, Joseph Stella, 1920 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Brooklyn Bridge, Joseph Stella, 1920 - Coursework Example Marin is famous for painting landscapes scenes in New England. In this particular painting, Marin was inspired by the Woolworth building and decided to paint it using water color and charcoal to preserve the materials that were used to paint then. Marin made even the most familiar views of the abstract during his time. In his painting, even the city is made abstract. He dangerously depicts Woolworth building veering toward abstraction in his painting. The building is painted to stagger ominously over the viewer of the work. In the painting, Marin has handled the surface roughly in his painting to demonstrate that watercolors can be classified as a modernist medium. Wood was inspired by the American Gothic House in which colonialists lived. He decided to paint the house and the people living in it. The paint portrays a farmer standing beside his spinster daughter. The woman in the paint is dressed in a colonial print apron, which evokes the Americana of the 19th century and the couple is a traditional festival involving couples. 2. The painting by Grant Wood is organized rigorously. The man in the paint is holding a pitchfork and he is mirrored by a similar pattern in his overall stitching. The man’s shirt stripes have been echoed in the boards of the house and a barn behind him. The woman, on the other hand, is tied into a composition to form a pattern of circles on her shirt that rhyme with the man’s spectacles. In the last rhyming pattern, the pair has been rendered in a stiff manner to resound.

Monday, February 3, 2020

The Arab-Israeli Conflict Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Arab-Israeli Conflict - Research Paper Example More so, Arab nationalism emerged due to the shared language, Islamic religion, as well as the history of the Middle East region and so Arab nationalist, hoped for political cooperation via the Arab League. Notably, Arab nationalism developed at the end of the eighteenth century to oppose European colonialism in the region. Arab nationalist radicals perceived Israel as their enemy not only because of their injustice against their colleagues in Palestine but also Israeli’sclose relation with the western imperialist aspirations especially concerning oil reserves towards the region.The Arab nationalism was, therefore, a significant cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict since it enabled the Arab nations to have a common enemy and this gave them strength to fight against Zionism as well as the western power. Ideally, the Arab states are supposed to join forces and remain unified towards the achievement of the common goals, opposing Israel. However, in practice, this is not always the case as their relations are more determined by conflict as opposed to cooperation. Notably, Israel is one of the leading factors contributing to the disintegration of the Arab nations and this is why all Arab states highly oppose it. Despite their differences, Arab states remain united in opposing Israel because according to them, individuals from different Arab states including those living in Palestine form one nation but Israel interfered with the sacred rights of this nation.