Friday, May 22, 2020

The Declaration Of The United States Essay - 1831 Words

Today, it is safe to say that many of United Sates citizens are unsure about the future of our country. In Our Declaration, Danielle Allen claims that the future of our country is secured by citizens who play their part in the system. She writes, â€Å"Politics is an activity where people, thanks to their wakefulness, can organize themselves and set up institutions so that they can all collectively protect themselves without having to fight with each other† (Allen 176). She has confidence that citizens can diagnose the current state of our country and the political world through interaction with other each other to build unified intelligence through democratic conversation. Democratic conversation occurs when citizens cooperatively and intelligently discuss and provide their views on certain matters which determine the present and future state of our country. â€Å"For the Declaration we are all equal in having the capacity to judge relations among facts, principles, and courses of action† (Allen 91). But is Allen’s claim realistic? Allen is partially justified because our country is more tolerant today than it ever has been when it comes to sexuality and marriage, and gender. However, Allen’s optimism is not entirely realistic because of the common stubborn citizens, and the uneducated citizens not willing to take part in democratic conversations. Our country is more tolerant today than ever before, and this supports Allen’s confidence in our citizens to take part inShow MoreRelatedThe Declaration Of The United States Essay1113 Words   |  5 Pagesadopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. 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